Photo by Kerttu Kruusla


18:00 - 20:00

Every Monday, nurturing practices and play for connection, stillness, presence, and sensing of the body. Combining intentional breathing, gentle movement with music and physical play.

The session is held in small groups of up to ten people.

Breathwork | Movement | Play

* Opening circle of sharing the mood and what is needed for today.

* Breathwork guides the mind and body into stillness.

* Guided journey to replenish inner resources.

* Self-touch to develop skills for self-regulation.

* Gentle movement to soften up and sense the body more.

* Physical play in pairs and groups to reignite the joy of play and practice non-sexual touch.

* Closing

Class is held in English

Guide: Jānis Ābele

Price: 10 EUR.

Reconnect Studio, Niine 11, 3rd floor



Who is Jānis?

A curious man from Latvia mesmerised by the world. Exploring topics of imagination, embodiment and connection through drawing, reading stories, imitating old-school strongmen, honesty and physical play.
Programmer by day and a hypnotherapist by night.

As a seed sprouts from the soil to greet the sun, we will use imagination and soothing movement to greet the week with physical play. The breath is intentional, the movement is effortless, the touch is caring, and the play is nurturing.

* Soothing movement to soften up and sense the body more.
* Self-touch for self-regulation.
* Physical play in pairs and groups to reignite joy.

Kes on juhendaja Jānis?

Jānis on elu osas uudishimulik ja maailmast lummatud mees, kes uurib kujutlusvõime, kehastumise ja ühenduse punkte joonistamises, lugemises, aususes ja mängus. Ta on programmeerija ja hüpnoterapeut, kes on erinevate liikumispraktikate ja movement suundadega pikki aastaid koos kasvanud.

Esmaspäevastel kohtumisel tervitame ühiselt alanud uut nädalat, kasutades kujutlusvõimet ja rahustavat liikumist, et alustada uut nädalat mängulisusega. Sessiooni käigus toimub hingamispraktika, liikumine ja mängulised harjutused.